6 Months

Wow. Six months have gone by since I posted. Shame on me. But I reread what I wrote on August 27th and now laugh at how I thought Landry would just sleep regularly. HA! Not so much. All that time I thought I was going to have to blog and sleep and read has not materialized. My sweet and precious boy is not a good napper and not a great night sleeper... yet. We're working on it. Thankfully he is a happy boy. And loves green peas!
I'm quite amazed at how fast 6 months can go. My boy is halfway through the "baby" part of his life. It has made me feel more urgent about soaking in what I can of this age. So my newest thing is that I've joined 2 classes through Gymboree. We are taking the regular Gymboree class and the Baby Signs class. We start next week! Should be fun.
On a somewhat related note, since I don't get to sleep much and am going on 7 months with quite a bit of sleep deprivation, my husband gave me the best Valentine gift. He is flying Landry and me to Durango next weekend to see his folks. They are quite helpful with the baby and are so excited to get to help. So I see SLEEP in my future. And hey... I may even go crazy and do something like, oh, I don't know, say... sit at Starbucks by myself and read my latest Book Club book! WooHoo!
Well, nothing of deep significance to write today. Just wanted to get back into the swing of things and do better about posting. My sis started a new blog that has inspired me to try to be more faithful. Thanks, Hanna!